I was there on WZBN’s “opening night” those many years ago, and I have tuned in every evening at 7:30 to watch the local news on WZBN, Cablevision’s channel 25 in Hamilton. Of course, one of my favorite segments is the Monday evening “Moment in Time” portion where many local historical persons, places, and things are chronicled.

As usual, a fascinating insight from Mike Kuzma, another guy who has countless “repertoire” of local persons, places and things. Mike wrote:
Blogger Mike Kuzma said…

Tom: I am compelled to write and say that I have known Lou Zanoni since the mid 1940’s, despite the fact that he was from North Trenton, and I was from the far reaches of South Trenton. Lou and I met during a water fight on ( here we go with a whole new column) on “Rotary Island”; home of the Rotary Club “Kitty’s Camp.” I came from the the Skelton branch of Boys Club, and Lou from the Reservoir Branch. In the midst of the water fight, we both were shoving to get to the water fountain, I became overly aggressive, and hit Lou in the nose. I immediately regretted it, and till this day 60 some years later still regret it. Lou was and still is one of the all time really nice, exceptionally talented guys in the whole world. Not only did we remain friends, but he became a client of mine in my Real Estate Appraisal Firm.He deserves only the best.Please extend my good wishes to him.Now “Rotary Island” Located in the Delaware, and assessed as being in the City of Trenton, it is situated across from Where Sanhican Drive, and the road up to Trenton State Hospital merge. Access was by Pole Boat which was attached to a cable so you wouldn’t get swept down stream. It was a fully staffed camp, with Bunk houses, recreation hall, and playing fields. We were there though the good will of the people of the Trenton area whose donations supported the camp. My Uncle Mike Harhigh, and his buddy Jack McGowan ( who both worked for your Uncle Charley as stage hands) owned a fishing shack on the Island, and the family spent many a summer weekend on the Island sleeping under the stars.A great time in my life, both meeting Lou, and Kiddie Camp! Best regards Mike
Thanks again, Mike. As to sending your regards to Lou Zanoni, I sent a copy of this page to WZBN when I published it, but past history has shown that I will not receive an acknowledgment. I have sent material twice before and never received an acknowledgment. I assume that they have an overflowing email box.
Blogger SJBill said…

Mike, Did you ever bowl at Heil’s? 😉 I think I was your pin boy. My dad was a roofer on S. Clinton, down on the 800 block. Glad to see you in business after all these years.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Anonymous Bob Kusnirik said…

Mike, Did you live on Hancock Street in your youth?

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

My dad was a roofer on S. Clinton, down on the 800 block. Glad to see you in business after all these years.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


AnonymousDelete Michael said…

In answer to SJ Bill, and Bob Kusnirik: No I frequented Heils (bar that is) from than, to Conte’s Keg, through Vince I’Orio’s ownership. I too set pins in the 1940’s at the Arcade lanes which was on West State St. above shops like Traver’s book store etc. Maybe it was my Cousin Chet the great athlete who lived on Hewitt St. Bob: I assume you are the Attorney. I grew up with and was very close to; Mickey Kusnerik the ball player, he lived on Bridge St, above the Barbershop, and I lived around the corner on So. Warren St. next to the Trent House. Perhaps you knew my nephew Robert who grew up on Adeline St. Didn’t your dad have the sports store? Best wishes to you both, and thanks for asking. Now living in Virginia near the Carolina border, and loving “Semi” retirement. Mike

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


  1. Tom:I am compelled to write and say that I have known Lou Zanoni since the mid 1940's, despite the fact that he was from North Trenton, and I was from the far reachs of South Trenton.Lou and I met during a water fight on ( here we go with a whole new column) on "Rotary Island"; home of the Rotary Club "Kitty's Camp"I came from the the Skelton branch of Boys Club, and Lou from the Resevoir Branch. In the midst of the water fight, we both were shoving to get to the water fountain, I became overly agressive, and hit Lou in the nose.I immediately regretted it, and till this day 60 some years later still regret it. Lou was and still is one of the all time really nice, exceptionally talented guys in the whole world.Not only did we remain friends, but he became a client of mine in my Real Estate Appraisal Firm.He deserves only the best.Please extend my good wishes to him.Now "Rotary Island" Located in the Deleware, and assessed as being in the City of Trenton, it is situated accross from Where Sanhican Drive, and the road up to Trenton State Hospital merge.Access was by Pole Boat which was attached to a cable so you wouldn't get swept down stream.It was a fully staffed camp, with Bunk houses, recreation hall, and playing fields. We were there though the good will of the people of the Trenton area whose donations supported the camp.My Uncle Mike Harhigh, and his buddy Jack McGowan ( who both worked for your Uncle Charley as stage hands) owned a fishing shack on the Island, and the family spent many a summer weekend on the Island sleeping under the stars.A great time in my life, both meeting Lou, and Kitty Camp!Best regardsMikeNot only did we remain friends

  2. Mike,Did you ever bowl at Heil's? ;-)I think I was your pin boy.My dad was a roofer on S. Clinton, down on the 800 block.Glad to see you in business after all these years.

  3. In answer to SJ Bill, and Bob Kusnirik:No I frequented Heils (bar that is) from than, to Conte's Keg, through Vince I'Orio's ownership.I too set pins in the 1940's at the Arcade lanes which was on West State St. above shops like Traver's book store etc. Maybe it was my Cousin Chet the great athlete who lived on Hewitt St.Bob: I assume you are the Attorney.I grew up with and was very close to; Mickey Kusnerik the ball player, he lived on Bridge St, above the Barbershop, and I lived around the corner on So. Warren St. next to the Trent House.Perhaps you knew my nephew Robert who grew up on Adeline St.Didn't your dad have the sports store?Best wishes to you both, and thanks for asking.Now living in Virginia near the Carolina border, and loving "Semi" retirement.Mike

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