Few indeed are those who recall this old landmark in downtown Trenton. Indeed, given the pitiful few seniors who are into computing I would guess that there are very few visitors to this site who remember that concrete structure which once graced the center of South Montgomery Street in downtown Trenton. Here’s architect Harry Hill’s drawing of the facade of the womens’ side of the building.


  1. Guess I am one of those "pitiful few seniors" cause here I am again. I remember so well that comfort station. And there are at least a dozen other "pitiful seniors" that I personally know of that stop by your site on a regular basis. We discuss the different things that appear there in our e-mails and phone conversations. If I know at least a dozen, imagine how many more are out there. Maybe they just don't comment, but still enjoy tapping into your wealth of knowledge.

  2. Hi Tom…..I'm one of the seniors that remembers that comfort station. But how many remember the other comfort station on No. Warren St. In Europe it is very common but they don't have much more than a hole in the ground at their stations. It's really not that bad but we had a lot of problems while visiting there.

  3. Hi Omad: Apparently the word "pitiful" stuck a non-harmonious chord with you. Let me re-state what I meant: There are many senior citizens who are not interested in taking the time to learn the computer. As you might imagine, they are among the citizenry who would get the most enjoyment out of blogs such as this. Fortunately, their numbers are increasing as prices come down, computers easier to use, and the internet becomes more and more community oriented. I present many presentations throughout the area from Pennington to Ewing to Florence to Hamilton. At each of these senior groups I make it a point to ask how many have and use a personal computer. If there are 50 people there, maybe 2 will raise his or her hand. My “pitiful” statement was a personal opinion based upon actual head counts I have conducted over the past years as I visit the various senior citizen organizations. At the Masonic Hall last fall there were over 100 people in attendance. There were maybe 5 or 6 who raised their hands. You are among the RELATIVELY few but growing number of seniors who are computer literate. Tom==================================Ralph: I also remember that place. It was not a pleasant experience and the disinfectant they used left a lot to be desired.

  4. i remember these, there was a mens one also, i was very young and my mother would take us there to make sure we could make it back home on the bus without any 'accidents" peg henderson-mills

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